Susan / Ruth posted this on a social site, earlier today ~
My wonderful husband of 37+ years has left me to go and live with Jesus. Bob suffered a heart attack on Saturday night. He endured a four hour surgery on Monday and rallied. But his heart was just too damaged for the doctors to fix. Tuesday was an uncomfortable day because he had to remain flat on his back. But his spirits were good. He told me that when his heart stopped on Monday (during the operation), it felt wonderful because the pain was gone. He did not want to come back. Then they used the paddles and we got to have him for a couple more days. Today (Wed.) about 3 p.m. China-time he went into crisis again. They tried for almost an hour to bring him back. He left us just before 4. God's good. I prayed today that God would either take him quickly or fix him so that he could be pain free. God did both! Halleluliah!
R.I.P., Crippler.