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The Bar (ON-TOPIC) / Start Traveling in China: Where and How?
« Last post by Ivyman on August 14, 2024, 08:37:41 AM »
Hi Everyone,

My Chinese wife made me a deal. When I get the Chinese green card in about 1.5 years, she said I could travel in and out of China.

1. With the Greencard, I can use all the hotels, not just foreigner hotels.

2. I just need to know, where to go to have fun, see beauty, etc.?

3. I admit, I am still naive to China. I only know the big cities.

4. Can you guys give me a list of top places to see?

For example, Dongbei during these months.

Xizhang during the Summer, etc.?
The Champagne Cabana / Re: What's Making Me Happy!
« Last post by Escaped Lunatic on August 09, 2024, 07:10:46 PM »
And in other cat news:

No rest for the wicked.  Two nights ago, one of the outside kitties (Pear) followed my daugter all the way down to the village pond and then got chased away by another cat.  He didn't come back. Last night, my lovely wife went down to the pond to look for him.

She found him, but he was hiding under a car and didn't want to come out.  I really wanted to go to bed due to nearly fatal jet-lag, but instead had to get some cat food, cat treats, and a carrier and bring those down to the pond.

Happily, the food was enough to get Pear to come out, so he got shoved into the carrier and brought home.  Mango popped up when we were a few blocks away and escorted us the rest of the way home.  This morning, both kitties were waiting by the front door for their breakfast.

Also, sadly, I was out of the country for Pandora's birthday party, but I did make it back in time for her adoption day party tomorrow.  It will have been 5 years since her impressively loud squeaks got my attention and she was brought home to live with us.
The Champagne Cabana / Re: What's Making Me Happy!
« Last post by AMonk on August 07, 2024, 12:04:05 AM »
Safe travels.  Welcome home
The Champagne Cabana / Re: What's Making Me Happy!
« Last post by Escaped Lunatic on August 06, 2024, 07:02:25 AM »
Just over 26 hours to go and then I get to fly to LA, San Fran, and finally Hong Kong.  Then it's a taxi to the border and my wife will (hopefully) summon a car to bring me home.
The Bar (ON-TOPIC) / Re: English Teaching or Less Demanded Fields?
« Last post by Ivyman on August 01, 2024, 10:17:04 AM »
Very good.

The problem is that people initially showed an interest in me being a counselor or history teacher, but they switched me to ESL.

What is worse, when they frame it as "you are doing me a favor by teaching ESL now," then my performance is poor. They do not want me later if my performance is poor.

1. I know I must get more credentials. I am trying to do it piece by piece.

2. Right now, it seems I am relying on ESL to pay my bills. I need to make my expectations clear to employers, and see what we can do.
The Champagne Cabana / Re: What's Making Me Happy!
« Last post by Escaped Lunatic on July 29, 2024, 04:13:29 AM »
bfbfbfbfbf glad you're happy here. You are an inspiration.

Oh my.  If I'm an inspiration, the world is in trouble.  ahahahahah

Dolphins were fun.  I wanted to take one home, but they wouldn't let me. ananananan

There was also an underwater walk (yes, walk) with helmets (heavy enough to keep me on bottom with enough negative boyancy to walk slowly).

And, the snorking area had tons of fish and rays.  I'm guessing the sting rays had some minor surgery to make sure that no park guests not stung.  Now I just need to get the pics out of my underwater camera.
The Champagne Cabana / Re: What's Making Me Happy!
« Last post by never2late on July 27, 2024, 10:48:09 PM »
 bfbfbfbfbf glad you're happy here. You are an inspiration.
The Champagne Cabana / Re: What's Making Me Happy!
« Last post by AMonk on July 27, 2024, 06:46:27 AM »
The Champagne Cabana / Re: What's Making Me Happy!
« Last post by Escaped Lunatic on July 27, 2024, 03:52:36 AM »
"...don't know whether I'm leaving or going home" -from a Dire Straits song. I've been singing it to myself for 20 years. I think you have, too.

Not a problem for me.  China is my home and the US is just a place I go to visit relatives and get bitten by dolphins.
The Bar (ON-TOPIC) / Re: English Teaching or Less Demanded Fields?
« Last post by never2late on July 19, 2024, 07:02:41 PM »
strikes me as an easy decision to make. Follow what you are good at, what you enjoy doing. Nice to have a fallback if you need it, but you won't get to do and be who you want by staying at your fallback position.
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