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The Champagne Cabana / Re: What's Making Me Happy!
« Last post by never2late on July 27, 2024, 10:48:09 PM »
 bfbfbfbfbf glad you're happy here. You are an inspiration.
The Champagne Cabana / Re: What's Making Me Happy!
« Last post by AMonk on July 27, 2024, 06:46:27 AM »
The Champagne Cabana / Re: What's Making Me Happy!
« Last post by Escaped Lunatic on July 27, 2024, 03:52:36 AM »
"...don't know whether I'm leaving or going home" -from a Dire Straits song. I've been singing it to myself for 20 years. I think you have, too.

Not a problem for me.  China is my home and the US is just a place I go to visit relatives and get bitten by dolphins.
The Bar (ON-TOPIC) / Re: English Teaching or Less Demanded Fields?
« Last post by never2late on July 19, 2024, 07:02:41 PM »
strikes me as an easy decision to make. Follow what you are good at, what you enjoy doing. Nice to have a fallback if you need it, but you won't get to do and be who you want by staying at your fallback position.
The Champagne Cabana / Re: What's Making Me Happy!
« Last post by never2late on July 19, 2024, 07:00:41 PM »
"...don't know whether I'm leaving or going home" -from a Dire Straits song. I've been singing it to myself for 20 years. I think you have, too.
The Champagne Cabana / Re: What's Making Me Happy!
« Last post by Escaped Lunatic on July 19, 2024, 05:16:03 PM »
Guess I can count this as "mostly happy."

Getting packed up for a trip back to the USA.  Going to get to play with some dolphins in Florida and will also be visiting relatives in Arizona.

Have some other paperwork to do there, and am expecting massive jet lag.
The Bar (ON-TOPIC) / Re: English Teaching or Less Demanded Fields?
« Last post by Escaped Lunatic on July 17, 2024, 03:33:56 PM »
If you enjoy teaching other subjects more, then getting credentialled in those is a good idea.  Don't forget, there are International Schools in China that need good teachers.
The Bar (ON-TOPIC) / English Teaching or Less Demanded Fields?
« Last post by Ivyman on July 14, 2024, 11:13:59 PM »
Hi Everyone,

If you are up to it, I wanted to have some discussion about fields to go into.

1. In my case, I got into English teaching because of demand versus supply.

Outside of a Western country, it seems like anyone willing to teach English can get a job.

Sometimes, as we have seen, pay and living conditions are as meager as they can get. At other extremes, like Saudi Aramco, housing can be sweet and pay can be $10K a month (tax-free).

2. Rather, the key debate seems to be:

a. Teach English, where there is always demand for someone. Alas, there is no real upward trajectory.
b. Try a subject field

3. In my own life, I am a very mediocre English teacher. Honestly, I give myself a C-, at best.

I have failed so many students in teaching and tutoring, no matter how much I love them.

4. However, there is some hope in my education and training:

a. When I have tutored students in history, social sciences, etc. they always seem quite satisfied.
b. Just this last May, I suddenly tutored some students for AP World History. After only a few sessions, one got a 4 and another got a 5. To be clear, this has very little to do with me and so much to do with their superb intelligence and work ethic. But, it proves I can get results with history, etc.

Other past examples include a sixteen-year-old student of mine getting a 5 on AP Geography, despite me not having any teaching experience. The list goes on and on with tutoring, and some classroom teaching.

c. With counseling, I seem to have done better. In my entire career, I have worked deeply with 200 students. 100 from other countries; 100 are from China. I can honestly say that I have gotten 100% of them to their top-choice schools.

I know Chinese love results, and want to hear "I want 100% guarantee I can get my kid into Harvard." But, even my mentors, who have been counseling 10,000+ students for 30+ years, can only get to 95 or 98% success.

5. Anybody want to give advice?

6. Right now, I am trying to take this school year to work less, but focus on:

a. Finishing a Moreland Teaching credential (to become a real state-licensed history teacher)
b. Finish a counseling degree (to become a state licensed counselor_
c. Apply for IECA membership (to be an independent consultant)

It sounds like ESL is a great fallback, but it does not give me the joy that history, social studies, and counseling does. Hence, stick with the latter, simply because I am more energized.
And the video is out. Strangly, my Chinese lines have me speaking in my ordinary voice.  I was wearing a microphone some of the time while saying the lines to myself, so I'm thinking they dubbed my "Imperial" voice with my normal voice.

And the video is GREAT!  Sadly, I've got zero clue how to share a WeChat channel video in any way other than WeChat.  Happily, they took some of what I said (in English) and put that as a voiceover of a video of me sitting and chatting with a couple of guys from the village.  At the time, I thought they were just taking photos of us sitting there, so was saying silly things like "Wo ming bai ting bu dong!" to one of them. ahahahahah

Now I just need to recover a bit more.  Then I can edit what I already have written and start working on the new chapters.
 agagagagag  bjbjbjbjbj agagagagag  bfbfbfbfbf

bartender, get this man a round. Put it on my tab. He's earned it.
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