Enter the Squeaker

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Escaped Lunatic

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Re: Enter the Squeaker
« Reply #30 on: January 27, 2020, 06:28:29 PM »
Based on being found on August 10th and being about 2 weeks old, Pandora's birthday has been officially recorded as July 27th.

Today she's 6 months old, super-playful, and thinks fingers are the best snack food. agagagagag

She also has no idea about the vet visit planned now that she's old enough for the surgery ahahahahah

She's going to get a small delay because of the virus issue, but we've already let the vet know we can bring her in on short notice.
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Re: Enter the Squeaker
« Reply #31 on: January 27, 2020, 11:23:19 PM »

She also has no idea about the vet visit planned now .... we can bring her in on short notice.

 bibibibibi :wtf:
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Escaped Lunatic

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Re: Enter the Squeaker
« Reply #32 on: January 28, 2020, 07:44:53 PM »
My wife managed to get an appointment for Saturday.
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Re: Enter the Squeaker
« Reply #33 on: January 29, 2020, 07:19:39 PM »
So the "fun" starts soon! bjbjbjbjbj


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Re: Enter the Squeaker
« Reply #34 on: February 19, 2020, 07:34:33 PM »
The Didi driver tried to make us put Pandora in the trunk of his car. ffffffffff asasasasas ffffffffff

I taxi cruising past solved that problem.  For the trip home, my lovely wife called the new Didi driver to make sure he wouldn't be an idiot.  Happily, he was also a cat owner.

I suggested buying a new cone of shame.  My wife told me that would be wasteful.  Keeping the existing cones on her proved impossible, so she had to go back to the vets and buy one (for about the same amount as a 1-way trip to the vet office ahahahahah).

Pandora was freaked out and also seemed to have sudden sharp pains during the first 48 hours.  After that. she began to calm down and was primarily annoyed by the cone.  We had to keep Stripy Emperor away from her.  At first, she smelled different due to the antiseptics applied to the stitched area, so he thought she was an intruder (the vet warned us of this).  Later, he wanted to be helpful and lick the wound for her.

We left her coned for 8 days, but by day 4 she was doing her best to act like nothing happened.

Now, all that's left is a thin line where she was sliced open (dissolving stitches rock!) on one edge of a shaved area.  It's getting fuzzier, but she'll need another month or two for all the fur to regrow properly.
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Re: Enter the Squeaker
« Reply #35 on: February 19, 2020, 10:41:06 PM »
 agagagagag on a successful procedure

 akakakakak to your kitten-cat(s)
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Escaped Lunatic

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Re: Enter the Squeaker
« Reply #36 on: February 20, 2020, 04:13:15 PM »
6:30 this morning (I normally wake up at 7):

My wife's one true love cell phone somehow fell off the bed and onto the floor.

Stripy Emperor and Pandora were startled. aoaoaoaoao aoaoaoaoao

I felt Stripy launch from his position near my feet.  I'm not sure where Pandora was when the phone fell, but they ended up on the floor on opposite sides of the bed with Pandora making the weird noises she makes when she's seriously distressed.

I had to turn on the lights to successfully capture her without risking getting mauled.  I finally managed to scoop her up and wrap her up under a sheet to let her calm down.  It took about 5 minutes to get that accomplished.

Turned off the lights to try to get the last little bit of sleep.  Stripy waited a few minutes, then walked over to check on Pandora.  She promptly freaked out again.

My wife sent Stripy to the living room.  Putting him in his palace wasn't an option.  Daughter's cat, Champagne, would knock over everything in the living room and dining area if she wasn't kept locked in the palace at night.  Pandora took a few more minutes to calm down again.

I just started to drift off again.  Stripy started meowing and jumping up to hit the doorknob.  Finally he got let back into the bedroom and Pandora didn't go off the deep end again.  I then got an amazingly uninterrupted 5 whole minutes of sleep before it was time to get up. ananananan
« Last Edit: February 20, 2020, 04:22:57 PM by Escaped Lunatic »
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Re: Enter the Squeaker
« Reply #37 on: March 05, 2020, 07:41:59 PM »
Stripy Emperor has mostly given up on using his Seat of Judgement atop the his palace.  He likes to sit there and judge the mere humans below who slave away for him.  Champagne has short legs, but is very good at climbing.  When she'd not locked in the palace, she tried to monopolize the Seat of Judgement.  Pandora hasn't developed the climbing skills to get up there, yet.

Stripy decided on a new and improved Seat of Judgement atop the air conditioner.  The AC is pretty much cylidrical and is a bit over 170 cm tall.  He's got a good spot where he can leap to it.  There's no way to climb it, so he's had it all to himself, until a few days ago.

Pandora finally succeeded in leaping to the top of the AC.  Stripy was annoyed.  Everyone else was impressed.  I think Pandora wants to spend some time showing that she too can judge the human slaves.  Stripy Emperor grudgingly agreed to promote her from just being an Assistant Backup Cat to being a full Backup Cat.

Pandora did something else.  The AC is left powered up, but shut down.  In addition to the remote, it can be turned on and controlled by a touch panel near the top.  When Pandora decides to come down, she lets her front paws slide down the side of the AC.  Somehow, she manages to keep turning it on.  We had to kill the power to the AC to keep her from turning it on every time she decides to take a break from judging us.
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Re: Enter the Squeaker
« Reply #38 on: March 17, 2020, 07:07:47 PM »
Pandora's First Kill

Pandora is becoming a mighty hunter.  Despite her prey being about 15 times heavier, Pandora slowly and carefully stalked, waiting for just the right moment to strike.  As the prey moved onto a slippery surface, Pandora lunged and took her victim down.  It was Total Victory for Pandora!

On the other hand, my beautiful daughter, who was walking on the freshly mopped tiles, was less than happy to have one foot knocked out from under her.  This resulted in a firm impact between my daughter's posterior and the floor.  Dignity was an additional casualty.   ahahahahah
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Re: Enter the Squeaker
« Reply #39 on: July 27, 2020, 08:12:23 PM »
And today, the tiny little squeaker we rescued is 1 year old.

Happy Birthday Pandora!
akakakakak cecececece akakakakak
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Re: Enter the Squeaker
« Reply #40 on: July 27, 2020, 11:03:25 PM »

 axaxaxaxaxHappy Birthday  akakakakak Pandora cecececece
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Re: Enter the Squeaker
« Reply #41 on: July 28, 2020, 12:55:31 PM »
Happy 1st Birthday to Pandora! bjbjbjbjbj :banana: :candyraver: :dancemj: cecececece


Escaped Lunatic

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Re: Enter the Squeaker
« Reply #42 on: August 10, 2020, 05:42:44 PM »
It was one year ago today when I first heard that unmistakable squeaking sound of a very young kitten wanting attention.

Happy Squeakiversary Pandora!
akakakakak akakakakak akakakakak cecececece akakakakak akakakakak akakakakak
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Re: Enter the Squeaker
« Reply #43 on: August 11, 2020, 12:17:25 AM »
 akakakakak akakakakak
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Escaped Lunatic

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Re: Enter the Squeaker
« Reply #44 on: September 03, 2020, 04:15:56 PM »
Egg Tart kept showing up less and less, so the planned capture and vet trip never happened.  We haven't seen him at all for at least 2 weeks. ananananan ananananan ananananan

But our door is being guarded more vigilantly than before.  The neighbor's orange cat with the tabby striped head and solid orange body has been hanging out more and more.  He's there every morning and every afternoon.  The striped orange cat drops by occasionally and other cats sometimes appear once every week or two, but the one with the solid orange body seems intent on settling in.

Now we need to think of a name for him.  The neighbor doesn't seem very attached (he's offered to give us either or both orange cats), so we're going to have to start planning for him to take a nice vacation at the vet's office.
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