For Chinese Nationals Who Want to Immigrate Permanently, Where to Go?

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Hello Everyone,

Some Chinese Nationals, even low-level CPC members, want to move permanently abroad.

None of them have the big money to do the $1-10MM citizenship by investment.

1. Can we suggest countries to move easily?

2. Are there trustworthy immigration agents who can advise?

At least in the US, prospective immigrants speak to immigration lawyers.

3. Many want master's degrees and have some funds.

a. In some ways, this could help them get immigration. For example, Australia allows people to translate from school to job, to permanent residency.

b. In other ways, mandating graduate school for immigration could create additional complexity, costs, etc.

4. Any opinions?

« Last Edit: September 19, 2023, 11:33:01 PM by Ivyman »


Escaped Lunatic

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Re: For Chinese Nations Who Want to Immigrate Permanently, Where to Go?
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2023, 04:23:52 AM »
Why not tell anyone who asks you about this to check online for themselves?

Personally, I think it would be beyond stupid to even think about jumping to another country's citizenship without having spent at least 6 months there (refugees may not have that option, but most people don't have a "move now or die" situation).  Imagine someone finding out that CheapCitizenIslands is really a badly run place with a couple of nice tourist areas to make it look attractive.
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Re: For Chinese Nationals Who Want to Immigrate Permanently, Where to Go?
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2023, 11:38:15 PM »
Thanks! I will tell them your well-intentioned and sound advice.

1. Of course, any well-known country would probably be fine, even without being there.

For example, Australia, New Zealand, the five Nordic countries, Western Europe, UK, US, Canada should be fine. They are so multi-faceted that someone will not be "screwed" if they move there and find out they do not like it.

These people were never so daft as to defect to a place like Vanuatu or those smaller island countries.

2. Perhaps they are trying to think too many steps ahead.

a. First, simply pick an education program they want. For example, that masters in Finland.

b. Second, spend the 1-2 years living there, seeing if you want to trade a life in China for a life in another country.

c. If it is important, fight for it. Immigration to the five Nordic countries often takes 5-10 years and language requirements, but can be worth it.


Escaped Lunatic

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Re: For Chinese Nationals Who Want to Immigrate Permanently, Where to Go?
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2023, 03:13:21 AM »
I think you need to recheck the status of a lot of countries.  Anyone from China involved in certain science and engineering fields will find themselves not exactly welcomed with open arms in the US.  Instead, Chinese researchers are moving back to China or heading elsewhere to get away from the US.

The US is barely avoiding a recession right now and much of Europe is already there.  A couple of those northern countries are in the process of joing NATO and are having to spend a ton more money on defense - and much of that defense committment is an annual thing instead of a 1 time purchase.  Meanwhile Germany is having budget cuts in a lot of programs that made it a desireable place to relocate to.  If the German economy is under strain, what does that say about the rest of Europe?

At this point, I'm not making ANY exceptions to my advice of "try living there for at least 6 months before comitting" advice.  Being there as a student would count, but a student will need to spend some time researching how taxes and other issues will affect them if they try to get a career there.

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Re: For Chinese Nationals Who Want to Immigrate Permanently, Where to Go?
« Reply #4 on: September 22, 2023, 07:02:16 PM »
I agree.

Yesterday, I recommended that this person focus on getting into a master's program there (Finland), paying for it, and living there.

If they find living there is worth it and opportunities are possible, they will make it work.

I appreciate your advice.