Hi Everyone,
1. Thank God, it looks like Coronavirus has passed for months. I am just glad that school life seeems stable. We know what to expect, etc.
Although we cannot get any job we want, at higher pay than average, due to COVID teacher shortages, it is great that things seem stable again. That helps me focus.
2. Long-term, I see many teachers are not going back to pre-COVID times:
a. They left China, but refuse to return
b. Their employers do not want them back so badly
c. Existing teachers are looking for destinations to locate to out of China
3. Is there a reason for this?
a. I notice that the RMB is so weak to the USD. Yet, prices for both real estate and day-to-day goods are stable. I would have thought things would have gotten stronger
b. My guess is that Chinese schools still operate, but do not respect outside teachers.
c. It is possible I am imagining all of this. Maybe China life is simply back to normal. Nothing special, nothing terrible, just normal day-to-day life.
4. Can anyone give informed opinions?