Hi kids, I've been sitting at the other place whistling old songs to myself - finally realised all the action is over here! WOW!! This place is cool! Nice one RD & Noles (and associated others that I'm sure must have been ivolved).
Right, introductions...
non-dave or nd, Australian, been here in the mainland for nearly 2 years, a 3 year stint in and out of Hong Kong before that. Spent most of the last 7 years travelling around the globe, and though I dearly love OZ I have no plans to ever live there again.
I'm still on the fun side of 40. I have a wonderful, beautiful and mostly even-tempered girlfriend/signifigant other/??. Met her in a little town in the north and managed to convince her to leave home and business to come down south with me to Dongguan. Now we have her brother living with us and reports that her Mum, Dad and a few other relatives are also on their way.
Life's good here and the living is easy. Mostly. Except for the things I don't like.