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Title: Lotus or anyone else- dentists in Xian?
Post by: becster79 on April 14, 2008, 07:48:26 PM
It is with much reluctance I ask this q....Lotus, do you or anyone else know anything about the dental wing of the Xian Military Hospital? I have been told they're the best place to go, unless there's other GOOD dentists there?

I have been putting this off for months and months....but I don't think this stupid filling can wait any longer. I've now had a couple of rather uncomfortable sleepless nights alalalalal. I think I need a general checkup as well (tis been awhile...that info will be kept under wraps!) so I have no idea how much I will be up for, even if it's any good here.

Would appreciate anyone's help....I'm ready to rip the blasted tooth out myself aoaoaoaoao
Title: Re: Lotus or anyone else- dentists in Xian?
Post by: Lotus Eater on April 14, 2008, 11:01:37 PM
4th Military is a good place to go.  As is Jiaotong Uni hospital.  I think these two are more expensive than teh run of the mill - but have heard good reports re root canal work etc.

I go to the little one near the back gate of my uni - but (touch wood) only for cleaning and one filling.  The dentist was excellent!
Title: Re: Lotus or anyone else- dentists in Xian?
Post by: becster79 on April 15, 2008, 01:07:00 AM
Thanks Lotus, just had a chat also to my FAO and he believes there's a good high tech dentist here in Baoji rather than trotting all the way to Xian....

....now I just need the courage to GO llllllllll
Title: Re: Lotus or anyone else- dentists in Xian?
Post by: dragonsaver on April 15, 2008, 02:03:00 AM
Don't sweat it.  I have had filling done here, a root canal, a tooth pulled, and 4 crowns.  I find it better than in Canada and one heck of a lot less money!
Title: Re: Lotus or anyone else- dentists in Xian?
Post by: non-dave on April 15, 2008, 01:20:06 PM
I feel your pain Becster, I have a debilitating fear of Dentists going back to my experience as a 7 year old and being left in the dentist while my Mum went shopping. He pulled out the big needle and I was out of there fast! I've tried very hard throughout my life to never go back.

I'm going this morning to get exactly the same thing that you need - a filling. I've only got about 1/5 of the bottle of Jack to go and then I'm off.

Good luck to you! Be brave!

Title: Re: Lotus or anyone else- dentists in Xian?
Post by: kcanuck on April 15, 2008, 06:07:58 PM
I had a traumatic childhood experience too, freezing didn't take cause I had an abscess.  I can't even stand the smell of a dental office. However, I have had two oral skin grafts;  skin taken from palate and stitched onto gums.  I survived them thanks to some wonderful relaxants given to me prior to the procedure...wish all trips to the dentist could be so easy.  Good luck ND and Beckster...hope it's quick and painless.
Title: Re: Lotus or anyone else- dentists in Xian?
Post by: becster79 on April 15, 2008, 06:47:12 PM
Non Dave, hope this isn't too rude to ask, but PLEASE tell me how much it cost!!!

Just had classes this morning, and the pain that was coming and going the last few days is now a permanent pain....I cannot put this off any longer. I'm calling my FAO to take me tomorrow morning :(
Title: Re: Lotus or anyone else- dentists in Xian?
Post by: contemporarydog on April 16, 2008, 01:19:18 AM
Don't sweat it.  I have had filling done here, a root canal, a tooth pulled, and 4 crowns.  I find it better than in Canada and one heck of a lot less money!

I think with a decent dentist it would be fine.  The best thing is to find one who has been recommended.  My friend recommended one here in Kaifaqu which he said was the best trip to the dentist he had ever made!
Title: Re: Lotus or anyone else- dentists in Xian?
Post by: cheekygal on April 16, 2008, 01:51:53 AM
I thought anesthetics and alcohol didn't mix... 
Title: Re: Lotus or anyone else- dentists in Xian?
Post by: non-dave on April 16, 2008, 02:09:03 AM
Terribly rude Becs, but hey, this is China!  350RMB for a bit of a dig around and put something in to stop the pain (instantly) last Friday. That included going back today for the filling.
Title: Re: Lotus or anyone else- dentists in Xian?
Post by: dragonsaver on April 16, 2008, 02:10:22 AM
Cheeky, you are correct.  When the dentist couldn't freeze one of my teeth (4 needles), they asked if I had been drinking a lot of alcohol.  I said no alcohol and dentist in Canada couldn't freeze that tooth either. I had to go to a special dentist to get it frozen.

So if you were drinking it might not freeze, (but you wouldn't care) bibibibibi
Title: Re: Lotus or anyone else- dentists in Xian?
Post by: becster79 on April 16, 2008, 03:11:46 AM
It was out of sheer desperation I called the FAO this arvo after lunch (and classes), and, the darling he is, dropped everything and took me to the best dentist in Baoji bdbdbdbdbd...the bad news is that I have a hole or something in my tooth and the root is infected or something, so I was told it will be a 3-4 visit fix up :(.

At least the dentist was very professional and sensitive to my nerves, but I think she was shocked at just how much pain I was in- I needed 2 anathetics which took 3 hours to wear off (and I was being to a Japanese restaurant for dinner tonight!) and promise to come back Friday for XRays and continued treatment.

Today cost me a piddly 58 kuai (including 2 sets of antibiotics, though I refuse to take them), though I imagine the XRay will cost a hell of a lot more. Sure beats the $150 just for walking in the door in Australia  aoaoaoaoao
Title: Re: Lotus or anyone else- dentists in Xian?
Post by: dragonsaver on April 16, 2008, 04:00:01 AM
If you don't take the antibiotics you won't get better.  That is the only time I will take antibiotics. The abscess won't go away and the dentist won't be able to fix the tooth and you will be in pain forever!!!

Please take the antibiotics.
Title: Re: Lotus or anyone else- dentists in Xian?
Post by: becster79 on April 16, 2008, 04:15:28 AM
Thanks Dragon, but there was NO communication whatsoever re the antibiotics, when and how many to take etc. I don't have an abcess, nor an infection. I am WAY too paranoid to put my health on the line in this way, and they're given out willy nilly.

I really don't want to take my chances with them, why didn't they give me something else? They specifically said a 'pain reliever', not a medicine as such!
Title: Re: Lotus or anyone else- dentists in Xian?
Post by: Shroomy on April 16, 2008, 05:50:33 AM
This is the really difficult part about "medicine" in China.  The interpreter.  FAO's, students, etc, down to my own medical students, don't always know the words for whatever the dentist or doctor tells them, so they don't tell you.  The dentist may have given instructions, which went untranslated, or possibly he/she thought you'd magically pluck a dosage out of thin air.  Either is possible.  Still, a hole open to the root of a tooth is an abcess until proven otherwise, expecially with the pain you are in.  You will not get better until the abcess is cleaned out, and they can't work on it until the infection is gone.  Unless, of course, you'd like them to cut through pus to get to the problem and start you a raging blood infection.

So, send me a PM if you want my creds, but ask the FAO to call the dentist tomorrow and get the details for the antibiotics; who, where, how many, how often, etc.  I'll be online after my 8-9:40 am medical review class if you want an opinion on what they tell you, and then you can kill the bacteria.

Ask Raoul, he'll vouch.
Title: Re: Lotus or anyone else- dentists in Xian?
Post by: becster79 on April 19, 2008, 12:10:12 AM
Update for those interested:

Just got back from my 2nd visit, XRay this time. At least the prob isn't as bad as first thought, just deep decay (I guess, from translation), so they were having fun poking in and out with those nasty little screw things that really don't feel right when coming out aoaoaoaoao! Put 'medicine' (their words) inside, and blocked it with a temp filling for 10 days then go back to check and get the real deal.

Took me off the antibiotics they originally put me on, unless I feel pain (I feel....itchy....for want of a better word!) but I may take some tonight just to be on the safe side.

2 XRay today & treatment cost 78Y agagagagag. Will also get a general checkup and clean when this part's over.
Title: Re: Lotus or anyone else- dentists in Xian?
Post by: AMonk on April 19, 2008, 12:21:40 AM
I'm happy that "things" are looking up for you. agagagagag
Title: Re: Lotus or anyone else- dentists in Xian?
Post by: becster79 on April 19, 2008, 12:41:40 AM
Thanks AMonk....and I have to say a HUGE thanks to


Who is an absolute legend/ angel/ choose your compliment....she REALLY helped put my mind at ease and all!

I hope I can pay it back or foward one day jjjjjjjjjj
Title: Re: Lotus or anyone else- dentists in Xian?
Post by: Shroomy on April 19, 2008, 02:12:45 AM
Glad things are working out, Beck.  You missed my month at the head of the advice-receiving line.  I definitely hope you're paying it forward.
Title: Re: Lotus or anyone else- dentists in Xian?
Post by: Raoul F. Duke on April 19, 2008, 10:00:00 AM
Ask Raoul, he'll vouch.

Indeed I will.
Yo homeys, 'Shroomy be da bomb when it be comin' back atcha on da med side. Word.