rough guestimates/costs for hospital fees in china

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rough guestimates/costs for hospital fees in china
« on: January 14, 2009, 01:57:09 PM »
Would it be bad to ask how much the hospital ended up costing for everything?
Not the Bunnies' case, but I have experience from 1 1/2 years ago.  Just less than 50,000 RMB for a 2 week stay in a private room with private bath including shower - fridge, no microwave - heart attack, stent put in, complications of diabetes, also excellent care.  Try getting that level of care for 50,000 of whatever currency your country uses.  kkkkkkkkkk
« Last Edit: March 03, 2009, 04:22:25 PM by Nolefan »
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rough guestimates for healthcare in china
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2009, 06:19:58 PM »
my slightly over 1 month stay ran me 10,000 rmb in a private room including medicines and treatments. I think i got a bit of a deal but it was pretty good service all around. Just would not want to do it over. It really sucks to be totally bed ridden, and i did not have pretty nurses.



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rough guestimates for healthcare in china
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2009, 07:32:57 PM »
My one week stay for pneumonia in Changchun was less than 5,000 rmb.  That included a private room with a double-width hospital bed (why?), a private family waiting room, private bath with western toilet and bathtub (but without hot water).  There were friendly nurses who liked to try their English, but provided no nursing care as I know it.  No food provided or available, except the nurses would buy porridge for me in the morning from an outside vendor.  I guess that's service.  The price included IV antibiotics, x-rays, and other medications.

I think the dirt-flavored traditional cough remedy was extra. ahahahahah
Back home and still confused about what the locals are saying.


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rough guestimates for healthcare in china
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2009, 05:23:43 PM »
I spent somewhere between 1500 and 2000 RMB for 3 days in a private room, a pile of tests, and whatever it was in all the IVs (and the harpoon one nurse drove into my posterior to the point that I think she pierced my hip bone).
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rough guestimates for healthcare in china
« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2009, 01:06:58 AM »
We went to a newish private hospital (Kanghua) in Dongguan for the baby's birth - and all the hoohah leading up to it. Under 5000RMB for cesarean, one week in a three bed room with a complimentary army stretcher for Yolanda's mum (they offered me one, but ...) assorted drugs and dressings and a swimming lesson (100RMB). No food provided and a bit difficult to get much, but there was a delivery service from the one restaurant in the area. Good care, pretty good English from the staff and overall a much better (and cheaper) experience than I was expecting.
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rough guestimates for healthcare in china
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2009, 09:33:42 PM »
Shaanxi Provincial People's Hospital bill for 11 days totalled just under 14,000 RMB.  That included 350Y per night for the room, all meds (Western and Chinese) and therapies and tests.  It did not include food.  We purchased that from the (attached) cafeteria, and averaged about 200-250Y per day....for 3 of us.


Hubby and I are safely home again.  28 hours of travel, and another (torturous) adventure in JFK along the way.

No phone service until yesterday, though.  And no DSL, either asasasasas  Report - and pix - to come later.  When I finish recovering.

Hubby's local Doctor has ordered some re-check/follow-up tests and we should have the results within a week.

THANK YOU to all who helped us out and offered moral support.  It really helped to ease the stress and the worry.  I would have hated to do this without you all. akakakakak most things...



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Re: rough guestimates/costs for hospital fees in china
« Reply #6 on: March 03, 2009, 04:34:22 PM »
split by request from Amonk to keep a reference on hospital costs in the library.  agagagagag
alors régressons fatalement, eternellement. Des débutants, avec la peur comme exutoire à l'ignorance et Alzheimer en prof d'histoire de nos enfances!
- Random food, music and geek tales from the Catania, Sicily:

Re: rough guestimates/costs for hospital fees in china
« Reply #7 on: March 03, 2009, 07:04:34 PM »
When I had my son it cost 1300RMB for the birth (all-natural, no drugs no c-section) and 3 days in the hospital in a private room. We were expecting it to cost a lot more than it did. My regular OB appointments usually cost about 10RMB a visit, with the ultrasounds costing a bit more, between 40-80RMB depending on the type.



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Re: rough guestimates/costs for hospital fees in china
« Reply #8 on: March 06, 2009, 02:27:50 PM »
10 days spent in the nicest hospital in Suzhou cost me about 3800RMB. I was in for Diabetes complications. I was constantly on IV's and an insulin machine. I considered a single room but it was something like $350 per day. I opted for a double room and the hospital was nice enough to let me keep the room to myself the whole time. I had a TV and my own bathroom with shower (I loved the shower better than my own ahahahahah).

I was in the hospital back when I lived in Changzhou. They didn't even give me the option of another kind of room. I was put in a single room on the VIP ward. I was there for 5 days and it cost me way over $4000RMB  llllllllll This was all because they had no idea had to deal with an asthma attack  asasasasas

I didn't know enough then to stand my ground about not wanting the VIP treatment (I had a desk in my room, what the heck did I need a desk for???). For all the newbies to China, always make sure you know that they may try to give you the msot expensive room/medicine/etc... You can and should ask for the cheaper ones (if you want them).
Kids, you tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is, never try. Homer Simpson


Lotus Eater

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Re: rough guestimates/costs for hospital fees in china
« Reply #9 on: March 06, 2009, 03:01:06 PM »
I can see why you chose the double room.  Doesn't your employer pay health costs?  Teacher here has been hospitalised several times. The FAO pay the costs at the Shaanxi Provincial Hospital, Foreigner (and officials) wing (same one as the Bunnies were in) and they pay for the private room.  It is about 300y per day, plus medications.  So the FAO forked out over 3000 for his stay.



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Re: rough guestimates/costs for hospital fees in china
« Reply #10 on: March 06, 2009, 03:46:39 PM »
No LE, I sure wish they had  ananananan My first two schools (one private and one college) both gave me an allotment for medical care. The private school was even better because if you didn't need to use the money for medical. You got it at the end of your contract as a bonus. Other than that, I've been with Web for over 5 years and they pay NOTHING! I got a fruit basket in Changzhou and some roses in Suzhou. It's another thing to consider when looking for a school.
Kids, you tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is, never try. Homer Simpson

Re: rough guestimates/costs for hospital fees in china
« Reply #11 on: March 06, 2009, 05:10:47 PM »
My c-section together with care, separate room for holymariner and me and all the care cost totally around 11,500 (1,800 was a non-refundable deposit to book the private room). I stayed at the hospital for nearly a week (6 nights). They also gave us a box of eggs and 2 packets of formula for the baby (which I never used). It also included swimming twice a day for our baby. We were treated very well and with good care. (that is in Zhuhai, Women and children's hospital).


Lotus Eater

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Re: rough guestimates/costs for hospital fees in china
« Reply #12 on: March 06, 2009, 05:56:56 PM »
I've just come from from outpatient treatment from the university hospital.  Registration (which covers the consultation) is 1.2Y per visit.  The cortisone derivative injection + lidocaine cost 12Y.  They also wanted me to have physio on my shoulder, but I am too busy to rock up for the next 5 days for this.  The FAO paid and also paid for some biscuits to eat, as I hadn't eaten breakfast (I RARELY do) and the Dr wouldn't give me the injection until I had eaten!!  Didn't matter how hard I tried to convince them that I hadn't eaten any of the previous times I had been either.  kkkkkkkkkk

Registration at the 4th Military hospital was 10Y last time I took anyone there. 

A couple of years back, I took another teacher to a clinic that had a foreign Dr working there.  While I was chatting to the Dr we covered some personal stuff and she ended up aspirating a cyst for me.  Cost 0Y - her comment - next time you come we can charge 2Y!!!  Although I will admit that the X-ray dep't opened onto the street, and the rooms were full of family and friends 'helping' the 4 Drs working in consulting room.  She did take me into her office for the aspiration, draw the half curtain and went hunting for bandaids afterwards to put on the wound!!

You can have medical treatment as cheaply or as expensively as you want here!!!

My current contract specifies total medical insurance (apart from stuff like cosmetic surgery).

Re: rough guestimates/costs for hospital fees in china
« Reply #13 on: May 29, 2014, 08:29:59 PM »
I've been hospitalized for Pneumonia twice in the last six months. Yeah yeah yeah - I am still here.

Guangzhou, Panyu, Clifford Hospital VIP Ward: 8 Days. Very nice room. Average at best medical care (for china) Total 19,000.00rmb
MSH insurance covered 90% so I paid 1,900.00rmb.

Shenzhen, Nanshan Hospital VIP Ward: 8 Days. Dumpy room. Better Doctors than Clifford I think. Total* 43,000.00rmb !!!
MSH covered 90% so I paid 4,300.00rmb

Healthcare is much more corrupt in SZ. I had to go through a sort of... middle man (Distinct Healthcare) just find an available room
in SZ - even with a bad case of pneumonia. I was in borderline shock with a hi fever from the infection and doctors at HK Univ in Shenzhen wanted to send me home with a box of antibiotics. Same thing at PEK Univ Hospital in Shenzhen. PEK refused to even take my temperature! All because their available rooms were re$erved for government workers or the very wealthy. Apparently Distinct Healthcare has room$ su$$ed out in advance for $ituation$ like this. For this service, a premium is paid.