Palin for President

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Re: Palin for President
« Reply #30 on: September 18, 2008, 03:00:19 AM »
I'm gonna put in my two cents worth.  I've had abortions. Regard the 's'. And I've brought two fine and brilliant young men into this world at great cost to my body, health, and well being. I'm a biological machine unless I have choice.

Do I mourn the unbirthed? I do. They are with me every hour, every day, every day, every day and every night.



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Re: Palin for President
« Reply #31 on: September 18, 2008, 06:10:51 AM »
Thanks, DaDan.  Funny.  So, now how am I supposed to go to sleep with that song in my head?   bibibibibi
Back home and still confused about what the locals are saying.


Escaped Lunatic

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Re: Palin for President
« Reply #32 on: September 18, 2008, 08:00:13 AM »
Ever wonder if McCain might have some regrets?   ahahahahah
I'm pro-cloning and we vote!               Why isn't this card colored green?



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Re: Palin for President
« Reply #33 on: September 18, 2008, 05:36:27 PM »
My two fen worth, politics aside. This is  offtopic of Palin (either one) for president.  But I couldn't let this go...

I strongly disagree with this statement:
I do not view abortion as murder in any way, shape or form. Life begins when the individual is out of the womb and leaves its parasitic phase
I have felt the little lives kicking around inside my womb.  They are more than gas pains.  Just recently saw a friend's ultra sound pictures.  Little mouth open, hands waving at the world as if to say, "Soon I'll be out there with you, to love you, can't wait to meet you."  Call it a 'mother thing' if you want to.  Those little munchkins are ALIVE in there.
If you want to walk on water, you have to get out of the boat.



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Re: Palin for President
« Reply #34 on: September 18, 2008, 06:08:32 PM »
You are guaranteed your right to that opinion and practice in NOT getting abortions under the constitution. However, does a theocratic party have a right to enforce their own personal life decision(s) to rob the rights away to others who disagree with such an opinion?

Ruth, I respect your right to believe as you do. I'd fight for you to maintain that right as an individual. However, if you want to deny the rights of others to do have control over their bodies because it disagrees with your own personal beliefs, then I'd have to say I disagree with you, and do not respect someone wanting to rob the rights of others based on their own individual life decisions. For example, I do not support forced abortions, nor do I support the abolishment of an individual's right to an abortion. However, Ms. palin and the party she represents sure seem to want to have control over the hearts, minds and BODIES of American citizens (and the world, too, but that's a bigger can of worms best left for another thread I think).

Bringing this back to Palin: she is part of a party that embraces, wholesale, their way of life as a moral bar that is generously used to pry into the lives of individual, law abiding citizens that do not prescribe to her views of morality. This bar is then used to bludgeon the rights away of anyone who uses their constitutional rights to not live by that bar.

Knock boots with a person of the same sex? You are not only not allowed that right through vaguely worded sodomy laws that Palin's cronies, Repugnicants, like to drudge up 'cause they claim some dead guy from the middle east who got slung up on a cross supposedly told twelve of his same sex buddies that his supposed "father" didn't like people of the same sex shackin' up.

So, that belief is then sued to not only invade the bedrooms of consenting adults in a private room, but to prevent them from having the basic human and legal rights of people of different genders shacking up for tax cuts and estate rights, 'cause that same long-dead dude that got strung up on some planks of wood by some brutal authoritarians supposedly told his merry band of followers who then told their story to many people before someone supposedly wrote down these edicts.

So, rather than practice their right to inter-gender mingling as the yhave inalienable rights to do, they want to deny the same rights to people who play in their own gender pool. Rather than PROTECT Life rights, they want to prevent them.

"Pro life," eh?

Then there's the much abused supposed right to stockpile firearms. Somehow Ms. Palin and her party (to which she has proved so loyal she risked killing her "unborn" retarded baby by flying from a repugnicant convention in Texas to Alaska, sticking around to deliver a speech as her water broke than in you know, doing the responsible mother thing and get to a hospital to greet her child into this cruel and unusual, and equally sad and beautiful world) seem to feel that the right to LIVE one's life without getting a bullet in their back is less important than being able to stockpile weapons of mass destruction in people's homes well beyond what our forefathers had when they drafted the constitution in hopes of protecting basic rights to all citizens.

You know, owning automatic weapons (which is a goal of the NRA) is far more important than kids being able to go to high school without the fear of being shot by social malcontents, or individuals being able to go to work without wondering if a disgruntled employee will come in one day and knock them and their coworkers off in a mentally ill rage.

Sure, they will claim that it's illegal weapons purchased underground, etc. The same old horse shit, but the statistics don't lie: the overwhelming majority of hand guns used to commit murder are legally purchased, over the counter.

So much for "right to life."

Then there's abortion. Nobody's taking away the right of anyone who doesn't want to terminate their pregnancy. America is not China, and constitutionally it never will be, respective of the right for an individual to keep their pregnancy to full term.

However, Palin and her party sure do like to deny the right to disagree to rape victims, women carrying babies they cannot support once born, birth defects that burden the baby and family (with regards to medical care, which Palin and her party sure want to deny as a basic human right to all citizens, further keeping the United States the only industrialized nation to not provide basic health care coverage to its citizens as a birth right - how's that for for "pro-life"!).

There is something nefariously totolitarian in how the religious right, of which Palin is a serious member of and her entire choice as V. P. was meant to represent, would rather enforce their morality and use it to deny rights and actually be pro-death*, than to be honest and fess up that nobody is trampling on their way of life, but they sure do love trampling on anyone's life that doesn't tow their line.

*far more often than the people that they claim to be "anti-life" by virtue of the religious right claiming they are "pro-life"; a dubious claim at best, especially in regards to denying health care to all citizens, denying abortion rights to those who want them, denying the right to live in a society where gun control, not GUN BANISHMENT, ensures that we can both defend ourselves when the Births decide to invade again [ ahahahahah ] and that our citizens can live without the fear of being shot dead going to work, to school, or the latest kill zone of preference: Shopping malls!
"Most young people were getting jobs in big companies, becoming company men. I wanted to be an individual."
Haruki Murakami

Re: Palin for President
« Reply #35 on: September 18, 2008, 11:11:07 PM »
I have nothing to say on abortion that you all haven't heard a thousand times.

But I'd like to correct one thing Spaghetti said: NOWHERE in the New Testament is there are reference to homosexuality.  J.C. never addressed the issue.

I agree with Spag's assessment of Palin: she was brought on to secure the religious right, while not alienating the swing voters.  The Soccer Mom angle is brilliant.

It remains to be seen whether the public will like her.  The Democrats have to scuff her fluffy bunny veneer, and expose her nastier side.  Mao knows they're trying now.

Meanwhle, from my standpoint McCain's looking better and better.  He's making a balanced budget a priority, the single most important economic task America is faced with: wealth will bleed away for as long as the debt deepens.  I hope Obama points out that Democrat presidents are the only ones who have delivered a surplus in over 40 years, and pledges to do it again.
And there is no liar like the indignant man... -Nietszche

Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task. -William James



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Re: Palin for President
« Reply #36 on: September 19, 2008, 05:59:05 AM »
Con, you do realize I was using creative license in portraying**** what Palin and her party believe.

While I think homosexuality is an extreme case of harmless, psychosexual narcissism, I have absolutely no beef with homosexuals and will fight for their right to knock boots and get married. I think it's a fundamental human right. Ms. palin and her constituency, however. Well, let's just say "homophobic" is far too polite a word to describe their opinions on homosexuality. If asked, I am pretty sure most of them attribute their near genocidal hatred of homosexuals* to teachings** in the bible.

***Admittedly a rather poor attempt. I'm not Mort Sahl, though I'd like to be.
*or as they would call it, "love of Christ,"
** I use "teaching" as a formality. I find "religious education" to be an oxymoron.
"Most young people were getting jobs in big companies, becoming company men. I wanted to be an individual."
Haruki Murakami


Lotus Eater

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Re: Palin for President
« Reply #37 on: September 19, 2008, 01:38:54 PM »

While I think homosexuality is an extreme case of harmless, psychosexual narcissism,

Not psychosexual narcissism when researchers are finding more and more genetic markers for homosexuality. Just another variation in the infinite wonder of the construction of the human being. 

Therefore if you believe in a deity - homosexuality is another of his/her wonderful creations.


Raoul F. Duke

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Re: Palin for President
« Reply #38 on: September 19, 2008, 10:29:47 PM »
Spag, you're more Liberal on this than I am. I might tolerate the marriage thing, but I wouldn't do any fighting for it...

Therefore if you believe in a deity - homosexuality is another of his/her wonderful creations.

Depends upon how much credence you place upon the various texts ascribed to the various deities; many of these are pretty blunt on this issue...and they's pretty much agin' it.

I'm in the "psychosexual narcissism" (at best) camp.
And no, I'm not homophobic. I don't fear it.
I AM homonausaic. I find it utterly repulsive.
If anyone wants to find me "unenlightened" or some such because of this, I'm cool with that. I couldn't possibly care any less.

I am also a "Yellow Dog Democrat"..."I'd rather vote for a yellow dog than a Republican". But I'm not in any way politically influenced by this particular issue, which is pretty low on my public-policy totem pole.
"Vicodin and's a great combination!" (Anthony Bourdain, in Harbin)

"Here in China we aren't just teaching...
we're building the corrupt, incompetent, baijiu-swilling buttheads of tomorrow!" (Raoul F. Duke)



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Re: Palin for President
« Reply #39 on: September 19, 2008, 11:13:52 PM »
I find gay marriage pretty stupid...but I find straight marriage equally as stupid. Like Raoul, it is pretty low on my list of issues, but I am vehently opposed to any policy dictated on religious grounds. Whatever happened to seperation of church and state?


Lotus Eater

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Re: Palin for President
« Reply #40 on: September 20, 2008, 04:23:20 AM »
Credence placed on anything is what faith is about - in political parties, in religions, in 'lerve', etc etc. 

Unfortunately reason (and real science) doesn't get much of a look in in these types of arguments. People respond to politicians from their own prejudices - and even though I have no vested interests in who is VP (ain't my country!), Sarah Palin sets my alarm bells ringing.

Give me Michael any day!!



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Re: Palin for President
« Reply #41 on: September 20, 2008, 04:28:11 AM »
I still find homosexuality to be a harmless,  extreme form of narcissism. and Scientific findings suggesting it as being genetic can only explain the reason for the narcissism I perceive in homosexuals.

I view things in simple terms when it comes to civil liberties. If they take it away from consenting adults of the same sex, who is to say the government that does that can't dictate what you can and can't do in the privacy of your own bedroom? What forms of contraception you are legally allowed to obtain (if any)? Who of the opposite gender are you allowed to shack up with? What race?

And so on.

The buck stops at all or nothing. If you take it away from homosexuals you open a pandora's box that can and will trample other rights. When it comes to Skeletor and Palin, they now embrace a party and "values" that want to tell you how to live your life, how to live it, and what you can and cannot do, even if it is harmless and legal in many developed nations with stronger democratic processes. They make it an issue.

I don't find homosexuality nauseous. I am a mature, jaded individual. Men kissing men or women kissing women doesn't shock me. Frankly, I just don't care. Big deal. It's their business, not mine. Murder and assault is much more troubling. Stuff sites like ogrish highlight is far more distressing.
"Most young people were getting jobs in big companies, becoming company men. I wanted to be an individual."
Haruki Murakami

Re: Palin for President
« Reply #42 on: September 20, 2008, 05:11:03 AM »
I don't get the link between being gay and being a narcissist.  But we're splitting hairs.

I get the idea that this Palin woman is kind of a thug.  And I can't abide politicians who are fiscally sloppy.  Republicans are bad with money.

... On the other hand, balancing the budget is one of the top items of McCain's agenda.
And there is no liar like the indignant man... -Nietszche

Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task. -William James



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Re: Palin for President
« Reply #43 on: September 20, 2008, 06:57:54 PM »
I don't get the link between being gay and being a narcissist.  But we're splitting hairs.

I see it as an extreme manifestation of "love of self." The inability to be attracted to, and  emotionally and physically satisfied by that which is different from one's self. My encounters with homosexuals and lesbians also lead me to believe they are some of the most conservative people I've met. I view conservatism as an extension of narcissism as well. Fear of change is fear of that which does not resembles one's self. It is another extreme case of narcissism, but a damaging one, as opposed to harmless (homosexuality). I don't care if anyone agrees, but that is the logic I see.

I get the idea that this Palin woman is kind of a thug.  And I can't abide politicians who are fiscally sloppy.  Republicans are bad with money.

The great myth and tremendous irony is that cheerleaders like to claim republicans are supposed to be fiscally astute. bibibibibi

... On the other hand, balancing the budget is one of the top items of McCain's agenda.

That's why he had Phil Graham on his team: the same guy who helped make sure the chains were off the doors so AIG, Merill-Lynch, etc. could run themselves into ruination.  ahahahahah

McCain is a dupe. Palin is a thug. If the electorate hand them the white house then America is irrevocably fucked.
"Most young people were getting jobs in big companies, becoming company men. I wanted to be an individual."
Haruki Murakami



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Re: Palin for President
« Reply #44 on: September 21, 2008, 10:01:50 AM »
...I'd like to correct one thing Spaghetti said: NOWHERE in the New Testament is there are reference to homosexuality.  J.C. never addressed the issue.

Not sure which Bible you're talking about, but the Christian one does in fact mention [read: condemn] homosexuality:

Romans 1:26-27 (King James Version)
"26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet."

<The rest of this was way, way out of line and has been blasted into non-existence. -R>
« Last Edit: September 22, 2008, 09:00:51 AM by Raoul Duke »