Milestones A-Comin'

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Raoul F. Duke

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Milestones A-Comin'
« on: August 17, 2010, 12:58:26 PM »

Ya might notice the ol' ticker getting pretty close to 600 members! Due to my long illness, we had a bunch of waiting membership apps...we've added 5 new members just today (so far!) and there are over a dozen very freshly-replied apps still pending. So, #600 may be happening pretty quickly! agagagagag

Also...we're getting par'lous close to, believe it or not, 100,000 posts! A busy week or so might be enough to put us over the top! agagagagag

I just love milestones... bhbhbhbhbh
"Vicodin and's a great combination!" (Anthony Bourdain, in Harbin)

"Here in China we aren't just teaching...
we're building the corrupt, incompetent, baijiu-swilling buttheads of tomorrow!" (Raoul F. Duke)