Pacicun Academy in Shanghai

  • 2 replies
Pacicun Academy in Shanghai
« on: March 23, 2014, 07:16:11 PM »
Hi there Saloon-goers!

Long time no post, I know. Here to ask for your guidance once again.

I have a phone interview on Thursday with Pacican Academy for a spot teaching Oral English for the next academic year. From they wrote in an email and their own website, they work with the Shanghai Public Schools to send native English-speaking teachers to primary and secondary schools where, duh, they teach English. With the help of Chinese teachers in translating, etc. Because it's with the public schools, it is a daytime Monday-Friday gig (which I want), with the liberal time off for public holidays and Spring Festival that I also want.

Does sound good on the surface, but on the other hand, so did my current gig where I was to work with high school students in a special program designed to help them get into American universities (insert derisive "Yeah right" here). The program's students are the spoiled teens of rich parents who can pay the tuition. The students, can communicate in English in varying degrees, mostly poor, and take TOEFL repeatedly until they get something resembling a passing score.  bibibibibi And from there they hope to go to universities in the U.S. (a few tiers below Harvard, for sure). That was last semester. This semester I was drafted (unwillingly, based on my and a couple of the other foreign teachers' frustrating experiences) into doing Oral English for middle schoolers ages 11-13. These kids are enthusiastic, and always willing to practice and improve their English as long as it doesn't go past the word "Hah-low." I'm constantly exhorted by the Chinese teachers doing the translating to "Let them speak English" which most barely manage to do.  llllllllll      (And those are the ones who do open their mouths and I can hear--most barely move them and do the "Asian whisper.")

Rant over. Sorry, been holding that in from you guys since September! Based upon other stories I've read on here and other blogs I have it easier than some, but still.... So, back to ol' Pacicun Academy: Anyone have experience with them as employees, applicants, etc. or know those who have? Appreciate any feedback I can get before Thursday afternoon.




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Re: Pacicun Academy in Shanghai
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2014, 12:28:17 AM »
I'm not sure about that school in particular, but I'd ask the school how many different schools they work with.

Worst case scenario you'd be going all over town during rush hour. Best case scenario you'd work at one to two locations and can get your apartment setup with respect to those.

Good luck on the interview! agagagagag
The greatest and most important problems of life are all in a certain sense insoluble. They can never be solved, but only outgrown.
- Jung

Re: Pacicun Academy in Shanghai
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2014, 05:05:29 AM »
Thanks for your post Tree. I do know it's more hours than I work currently: 26 hours vs. 18 hours. (However I work only M-W 8:40-17:10 right now with a 2.5 hour break for lunch and a nap in a room to myself in a teacher's dorm onsite.)

Based on the 26 hours I'd say the assigned schools would be pretty limited in terms of commuting. Either the same one throughout the whole week or most of it, I'd think. Or a different school each day rather than spending a few hours at one then dashing to another every few hours.