6:30 this morning (I normally wake up at 7):
My wife's
one true love cell phone somehow fell off the bed and onto the floor.
Stripy Emperor and Pandora were startled.

I felt Stripy launch from his position near my feet. I'm not sure where Pandora was when the phone fell, but they ended up on the floor on opposite sides of the bed with Pandora making the weird noises she makes when she's seriously distressed.
I had to turn on the lights to successfully capture her without risking getting mauled. I finally managed to scoop her up and wrap her up under a sheet to let her calm down. It took about 5 minutes to get that accomplished.
Turned off the lights to try to get the last little bit of sleep. Stripy waited a few minutes, then walked over to check on Pandora. She promptly freaked out again.
My wife sent Stripy to the living room. Putting him in his palace wasn't an option. Daughter's cat, Champagne, would knock over everything in the living room and dining area if she wasn't kept locked in the palace at night. Pandora took a few more minutes to calm down again.
I just started to drift off again. Stripy started meowing and jumping up to hit the doorknob. Finally he got let back into the bedroom and Pandora didn't go off the deep end again. I then got an amazingly uninterrupted 5 whole minutes of sleep before it was time to get up.