Literary Venture Help

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Literary Venture Help
« on: September 01, 2011, 04:25:34 AM »
As many of you know, I've been publishing the literary journal Terracotta Typewriter for a while now. It's been an interesting and, sometimes, rewarding experience. I appreciate the support I've received from the Saloon and the China blogosphere. Unfortunately, I don't have a lot of free time anymore and I've had a difficult time keeping up with maintenance of the website and journal (it is tough to keep up the motivation when I haven't made a dime on it since 2009).

Since I don't want to see the journal disappear like so many others, I'm seeking assistance. If Saloonies would be willing to help out with promotion and/or updating the blog (or even reading submissions) I'd appreciate it. I may also be willing to pass the entire project on to someone (I can probably hook you up with a friendly free host, so it would only cost the annual domain name renewal).
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