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« on: November 03, 2007, 01:12:16 AM »
We Need:

Sopranos season 6 part 2:
                This with the confusing ending. I've seen Tony anf the gang up until season 5 toward the end. Biiiiiig bucks to buy thisnow so I'm waiting for the price to go down.

Twin Peaks season:  This was long awaited (at least in some circles.) For some bizarre reason (were talking David Lynch here) only season 1 was out. So now the big hoopla with year 2 and I paid errrr,,,,, embarrasses to admit ----lets say 500 kuai .

       Inland Empire: another Lynch and weird even by his standards. Good but bizarre. If you like movies that dont make sense this is for you.

Caution, Lust: China theme here. I like it but it's no Brokeback Mountain. Sort of "obscure" but Lee is good no doubt. Just didn't come together IMHO. But who am I to arhue with Ang Lee.  Sex scenes got a lot of publicity and it's NC 17. Basically it's violent ---if slamming a chick into the wall several times head is your idea of foreplay....and some pubic hair is on display which might do it. Wher is the genius who made Hulk?  bibibibibi

Darjeeling Limited:  aA A "train in India" movie from director of errr   Rushmore. And the Life Aquatic.    Any movie on a train is OK with me. How about a China train movie where Raoul drinks Tequila and steals the barf bags?

This is notable stuff I've seen a lot of crap lately...JODIE FOSTER GITS A GUN. Kick ass and take names in SAUDI.

Lots of crap out there but I guess it's all worth 50 cents.

Pity poor Lagerlout paying the big bucks to sit through this rubbish. On the bright  side there are drugs here so I guess it's all give anf take eh?

 offtopic        Joking-no Im not yes I am.

OK theres my hot off the preses DVD report now lets hear from yall.