A little advice about TA's comments? Please & Thank You!

  • 1 replies
A little advice about TA's comments? Please & Thank You!
« on: October 02, 2014, 06:09:54 PM »
I just started a new corporate training gig the first week of September for an MNC and they assigned a very useful TA to help me. They pay her well (7,500 per month to work 16 hours a week - just for my course). Anyway about a week ago she started telling me that her birthday was coming on October 16th, and maybe she told me three times already.  Then just before the holiday break she asked me what I was going to get her for her birthday?!?  She took me by surprise with this as I was only planning to treat her to lunch at the Hilton buffet since it is across the street from us.  Now yesterday, I was going through some lesson material to make a ppt, and I found a page tore out of Cosmo magazine with a big ad for Coco Chanel perfume!  The perfume is in the $400 range and I never spent that much on a TA before, and this one I have known for only 3 weeks! How do I handle this situation without embarrassing this girl or pissing her off or sending her the wrong signal?  Thanks.

Re: A little advice about TA's comments? Please & Thank You!
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2014, 07:34:15 AM »
I've already written and deleted 3 replies.  The truth is that her behaviour is so ill-mannered that I'm at a loss.

Sorry dude.  So what did you do in the end?
And there is no liar like the indignant man... -Nietszche

Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task. -William James
