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Relaxed class for end of semester

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Lotus Eater:
I promised my Oral English students we would have a fun class before the exams (next week) so this week I had them work in small groups to either choose a Chinese song to translate into English and sing or choose a game they played in their dorms and translate the rules into English.  They then presented the rules to the group in English.

It was fun, with them drawing the Chinese chess board on the board, taking it in turns to explain the moves, asking about the differences between that and international chess etc.  The girls groups mostly chose a song to translate and sing - figuring out that to maintain the rhythms they couldn't make direct translations.  Other boys groups used the games they played as kids to explain - and started talking about their primary school days while they were doing it.  Games included 'Drop the hanky" (including singing the song that goes with it - translated into English!) and 'knuckles' or 'bones'. The girls explained a different form of Chinese whispers - where you have to act out the message behind the back of the rest of the team. I would love to know if these games were independently created by children or spread across the world - and which way the spread occurred. 

It was a fun class, and ended up with lots of discussion and laughing.

Very good ideas, LE.....Please consider them "thiefed".... oooooooooo

The VERY last class before exams started (High School) I introduced the kids to Australian Animals, did the drawings on the board and their names which the kids had to learn. Then I asked some of them to come and draw them on the board, which was quite fun and had the class laughing.

Then I got them actually doing the action of the animal eg "Kangaroos hop", and introduced sentences with the animal and their action asked them to write another, which they then had to say.

The kids liked having something from Australia - the kangaroos where very funny and I picked some of the more rebellious kids to do them  (this worked very well much to my relief!)as they usually where funny.

....Thiefing another idea....

Lotus Eater:
Gifts can't be stolen!! acacacacac acacacacac acacacacac


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