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What is the “wall jumping” situation like now? Last time we were in China (pre-covid) I did not use a virulently puerile nephew at all since we were at my in-laws, intl relations at the time were starting to get tense, and I was worried that they might get in trouble if someone on was using their router to jump the ol’ wall. (This was probably just me being paranoid. Also, gave me a great excuse to unplug!)
The Memorial Garden / Re: Babala has Died
« Last post by never2late on November 09, 2023, 07:37:47 PM »
I am very sorry to hear this. Another of us gone. She will be missed.
The Memorial Garden / Re: Babala has Died
« Last post by Escaped Lunatic on November 09, 2023, 03:50:40 PM »
So sad. ananananan ananananan ananananan

My cats asked me to send condolences to her furbabies.
The Bar (ON-TOPIC) / Re: Babala has Died
« Last post by Escaped Lunatic on November 09, 2023, 03:48:09 PM »
 ananananan ananananan ananananan ananananan

The Memorial Garden / Babala has Died
« Last post by AMonk on November 09, 2023, 07:57:17 AM »
One of our truly Great Ladies.

She loved her furbabies, and would do anything to see them taken care of.

She had a most deliciously wicked sense of humour.

She quit smoking 4 months ago....cold turkey.

She was a good Friend to many, many people over the years. Even the Saloonies  agagagagag agagagagag

R.I.P. Babala. You will be sorely missed

The Bar (ON-TOPIC) / Babala has Died
« Last post by AMonk on November 09, 2023, 07:46:19 AM »
Con reports that
I just learned that our Babala, Babs, Barb Murphy- died.

aoaoaoaoao ananananan ananananan

 You can post in our Memorial Garden
that's not my classroom, mine is much smaller. That's just me stopping to get some warm water for my coffee on the way up
I understand that English is not the priority it used to be, but did they have to move my class to the very top floor?

Stop exaggerating.  That classroom is only half way up the cliff. ahahahahah
I understand that English is not the priority it used to be, but did they have to move my class to the very top floor?
Mom, we're out of milk.  Where's the climbing gear?

More info on this slightly inconvenient convenience store:
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