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I would be surprised if someone who went to the trouble of researching and writing a book were happy about seeing copies of the book popping up on the internet without express permission. However they would probably be happy with a short excerpt and a link to where the curious reader can find more information.
Regarding the subject line - Yes, Legalities is the best place to ask legal questions or to post useful legal info.

Do NOT post a copy of anyone's book anywhere in the Saloon (unless it's in the public domain) without the explicit permission of the author and/or copyright holder.  Ask Edgar if he's ok having his book shared or not.
Hi Everyone,

1. Given my layoff, info about employment law, etc. I am finding out that Chinese law protects us expats much more than most of us think.

Even my father, a seasoned US lawyer, always said "you have no legal rights abroad." In China, we often have rights against our employer.

2. Is there any way we could start a new tab, or simply post on legalities board, common questions that have utility?

3. Edgar Law in a Minute wrote a book, that I converted to PDF. I could post that, if allowed.

4. A lot deals with simple things to know, such as:

a. Yes, both sides will do 80% probation during the first two months. No fault breakups can happen then. But, after that, contracts must be completed.

b. Never sign any disciplinary reports by HR, etc. They can use that to make it look like an employees fault. Without it, they cannot.

c. Every employee, both Chinese and expats, are entitled to social insurance at any job.

If a company denies social insurance at any time that employee can leave with severance payments.
The Champagne Cabana / Re: What's Making Me Happy!
« Last post by AMonk on May 03, 2024, 12:28:20 PM »
 akakakakak Good for "your" kids ... and the quiet little lady agagagagag

NEXT time  agagagagag agagagagag
The Champagne Cabana / Re: What's Making Me Happy!
« Last post by Escaped Lunatic on April 30, 2024, 08:23:34 PM »
Last week, I was back in Fenguang.  The charity kept changing its mind, so I booked myself a room in the ancient town with a perfect view of the pagoda alongside the river on Saturday night.  I had just about given up on the charity trip happening when things came together on Sunday afternoon.  I changed from my hotel with the perfect view to the usual one in the newer section town that the charity usually uses.

Except when visiting the largest schools, we split into 2 (sometimes 3) groups to cover ground faster.  Sadly, 1 of the 6 students I sponsor was out of school the day we went there, but I got to see the other 5.  Since this was a rush job (we got all but one school covered in 3 days), we didn't do any home visits, but did get 2 home cooked meals at the family homes of 2 of the charity's office girls (most of the people in the office were formerly sponsored students from the FengHuang area).

As always, the schools were fun.  Just as we were leaving one school (with about 30 sponsored kids), someone asked me for an autograph.  Of course, if I gave one, I'd have to provide one (or more - I swear some enterprising kids got extras in the past and were selling them) and we were on a schedule.  Happily, I had previously had a chop made for just such and occasion and had actually remembered to put it on my pocket.  So, I managed to get everyone stamped once before jumping into the van and heading off to the next school.

Kid swarm incidents were smaller than usual.  I guess more teachers have caught on to the fact that I can disrupt a school just by showing up.

At one of the big high schools, a pair of non-sponsored girls walked up shortly after the mandatory group photo.  One was dressed differently and I swear her face looked like she'd escaped from an anime show.  She seemed really eager to speak, but literally froze when she opened her mouth.  I told her not to worry, since that's what happens when I try to speak some Chinese sentence I've carefully composed. ahahahahah

Finally, she started speaking.  I've seen some quiet kids before, but she literally was barely audible, but had very good pronunciation and grammar.  After a minute or two, she and her friend wandered off and I kept chatting with the sponsored students who hadn't yet left.  Then the pair of them came back.  She had a milk box from somewhere (no idea if there's a convenience store or vending machine in the building she'd come from) and gave it to me as a gift (while still speaking incredibly quietly).

One my my students at another school was very shy and had barely exchanged a word with me on previous visits, even with a translator.  Bronze Cat was at the vet while I was on the trip and my vet is very good at providing photos and videos multiple times per day.  She saw me checking a short video of Bronzy and suddenly we had something to talk about.  I ended up showing her pics of all the cats.

I was scheduled to depart Thursday morning, but made it back into the ancient town at about nightfall on Wednesday.  Fortunately for the local merchants, but unfortinately for my hope to quietly site on a bridge and try to write a poem or two, a LOT of people got an early start to the May Day holidays and the Snow Bridge area was packed.  I managed to find a quiet place just a little upriver (next to a tree I wrote a poem about), took a few pics, had a snack, and then headed back to the hotel.

Next time I'm REALLY hoping the charity trip schedule can be fixed a little more firmly.  Then I'll try to arrive a week in advance to get in some relaxation and bad attempts at poetry.
The Bar (ON-TOPIC) / Re: Guaranteed Life Contract, After Five Years?
« Last post by Escaped Lunatic on April 15, 2024, 05:29:39 PM »
I have the feeling that's just a form of open ended contract that automatically renews unless one side or the other decides to cancel.

Before signing a lifetime contract, make sure that it specifies minimum compensation improvements each year.  I don't think too many people want the exact same salary in 2034 that they were getting in 2024.

I second AMonk's recommendation consult the Labor Bureau if you want to know more.  ABSOLUTELY consult a lawyer familiar with labor law before signing any sort of "lifetime" contract.
The Bar (ON-TOPIC) / Re: Guaranteed Life Contract, After Five Years?
« Last post by AMonk on April 15, 2024, 01:53:12 AM »
 Is that information applicable to ALL employees, regardless of Nationality?  mmmmmmmmmm
Or is it only for the Chinese people? 

Your co-worker might be both correct as well as in error, depending on the reliability of his/her information, and the employees to whom it applies.
You might want to consult your local Labour office.

The Bar (ON-TOPIC) / Guaranteed Life Contract, After Five Years?
« Last post by Ivyman on April 14, 2024, 02:06:33 AM »
Hi Everyone,

A co-worker of mine said that, after five year contract, a lifetime contract must be given.

Do we have any data on this matter of Chinese labor law? It sounds like a good deal.

The Champagne Cabana / Re: What's Making Me Happy!
« Last post by AMonk on March 29, 2024, 03:32:18 AM »
 agagagagag agagagagag gggggggggg bibibibibi agagagagag ahahahahah ahahahahah ahahahahah
The Bar (ON-TOPIC) / Re: Why Laid Off Anyway; Do They Need to Show Cause?
« Last post by AMonk on March 29, 2024, 03:30:03 AM »
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