How To Work With Foreing Teachers (a guide for FAOs, employers…)

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I don't know if such a thing exists, or if this has already been addressed on the forum somewhere else (in which case someone will probably tell me something like this  asasasasas), but I've thought it would be a good thing for FAOs and employers and managers to have, if it were written by foreign teachers.

Perhaps we could jointly put one together and at least subversively disseminate it (once translated into Chinese and with a Photoshopped red seal on it), and then Maybe people would start to listen.

So, to get the ball rolling I'll start with some of my own ideas.

1) Always give at least several days notice for social events, and weeks notice for teaching assignments and schedules. Foreigners like to plan ahead and last minute notification of events they need to attend will upset their previously established plans, and make them uncomfortable.

2) Never ask foreign teachers to do outside teaching assignments for friends, relatives or other contacts. Foreigners will feel pressured to accept doing these favors and will feel taken advantage of if they accept them.

3)Never try to make a small profit off a foreign teacher by overcharging for any service (such as bills) or purchase (such as a phone, computer, or appliance). . Foreigners will regard this as theft and the small amount of money gained off of them will be lost in costs of replacing the teacher…
« Last Edit: May 15, 2011, 07:45:44 PM by Ben-Dan »
suddenly it become more of a statement to NOT have a tattoo…